sábado, 9 de abril de 2016

Semana del 11 al 15 de abril 2016

Estimados padres de familia:

Durante esta semana los alumnos identificarán características  culturales de su departamento. Conocerán a algunos personajes destacados de Honduras. Aprenderán acerca de las diferentes organizaciones de su comunidad y país. También de algunos acontecimientos importantes después de la independencia de América como ser los conflictos entre repúblicas.

Segundo Grado
Los alumnos identificarán algunas características culturales de los departamentos y su población. Deben traer sus electrónicos para la clase del martes 12 de abril de 2016.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos conocerán a algunos personajes destacados del país.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las diferentes organizaciones de su comunidad y país.

Quinto Grado
Los alumnos conocerán acerca de los acontecimientos históricos después de la independencia de América como ser los conflictos entre repúblicas.

For Everyone:

PICAMIEJO PRESENTATION – We are inviting all our students in grades K-11 to the Picamiejo presentation that will take place at our school on Wednesday, April 20 at 9:00 a.m. The cost of this presentation is L100 per student, and this is one of many activities that we have planned for La Semana Del Idioma Español. There will be a follow up literary discussion and extension project concerning this presentation. Please bring the L100 to your Spanish teacher as soon as possible.

ANNUAL DPTO GARAGE - The DPTO invites all our families to participate and/or attend our annual garage sale on Saturday, April 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00. You can purchase your table for only L400! Spaces are limited, so seize this opportunity now! If interested, contact cbanegas@discoveryschool.edu.hn

For Grades K-4:

 BRICK4KIDZ -The new Module for this quarter begins today, Monday, April 4. It is an exciting 4-week adventure that deals with the Laws of Motion. There is still time to sign up! Stop by the conference room on the second floor of the administration building.

For Grades 9-12:

CAREER DAY: We will be having Career Day here in school on Wednesday, April 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. We have invited several professionals from our Discovery School community as well from the outside, to come to share with our students their experience and thoughts about the career they chose to pursue. Grades 9th through 12th and all parents are invited to attend.

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