domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Semana del 30 de noviembre al 04 de diciembre 2015

Estimados padres de familia:
Durante esta semana los alumnos enriquecerán su conocimiento, aprenderán acerca de los recursos renovables y no renovables. Identificarán las características de la población hondureña y sus actividades económicas. Conocerán acerca de la hidrografía de Centro América. Harán presentaciones por grupo acerca de los aspectos políticos y sociales del Continente Americano.  

Segundo grado
Los alumnos identificarán los recursos naturales renovables y no renovables de su comunidad.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las características de la población hondureña y las actividades económicas por región.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de la hidrografía de Centro América.

Quinto Grado

Los alumnos realizarán diferentes presentaciones por grupo acerca de los aspectos políticos y sociales de Norte América. Los estudiantes pueden traer fotos impresas de mapas y cualquier información relacionada con el tema para la presentación. 

For Everyone
NPH GIVING TREE- Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing a home and education.  Here in Honduras, the NPH organization provides for over 500 children in at large ranch near La Venta and home in Tegucigalpa for severely handicapped children.   While many children at the ranch have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that come to visit them and can provide some Christmas gifts, some children at a ranch have no family to visit.  It is these children, whom we would like to provide for this Christmas.   On the second floor of the secondary building, a NPH Giving Tree will be set up.   If you wish to participate, choose a paper tree that has a child’s information about his/her size for shoes or socks.  Purchase the new item and return it to Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7) by Tuesday, December 8th, with the tree tag taped to it.  Thank you for giving this Christmas!
If more information about NPH’s work in Honduras, please visit  and watch  . 

BAKE SALE – The Juniors will be having a bake sale in order to raise funds for their upcoming community service. The bake sale will be on Friday, December 4 during snack and lunch.

For Grades 6-12:
HOMEWORK CLUB FOR SECONDARY – Secondary students will have the opportunity to receive assistance with homework twice a week. Ms Regina will be working with the students who wish to stay and work or specific students referred by teachers. 
When: Mondays and Tuesdays
Where: Room # 3
Who: Secondary Students
Time: 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.
**Parents are asked to please read the Midterm Progress Report – some students have been required to attend the Homework Club, other students have been invited to attend. This is being done to help student improve their grades.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES (cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc) – Students may bring their electronic devices to school with the understanding the school will not be responsible for any loss or damage. We advise all students to care good care of their electronic devices and to avoid leaving them on the floor or outside of rooms.

LOCKERS – The school has provided a locker to all secondary students for the purpose of protecting the student’s property, and preventing loss or theft. The lockers need to be secured with a combination padlock at all times. The students are responsible for the padlock and for seeing that their books and belongings are locked in the locker when not in use

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Semana del 23 al 27 de noviembre 2015

Estimados padres de familia:
Durante esta semana los alumnos enriquecerán su conocimiento, aprenderán acerca de los recursos naturales. Identificarán el clima por departamentos. Conocerán las características geográficas de Centro América. Investigarán información acerca de los aspectos políticos y sociales del Continente Americano.  

Segundo grado
Los alumnos identificarán los recursos naturales de su comunidad. Pueden traer fotos impresas acerca de los recursos naturales renovables y no renovables.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las características del clima en los departamentos de Honduras.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las características geográficas más sobresalientes de Centro América.

Quinto Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de los aspectos políticos y sociales del Continente Americano. Iniciarán esta semana con la investigación de información. Para la próxima semana realizar una presentación de cada país de América del Norte en grupo.

For Everyone

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES – We remind parents that ALL after school activities will begin at 3:15 p.m. and will end at 4: 15 p.m. We ask parents to be prompt in picking the students up from after school activities.

MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS– Progress reports went home last Friday, November 20. They must be signed by parents and returned to school before the Thanksgiving Holiday. If you wish to conference with a teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the school to set up an appointment.

BAKE SALE – The Juniors will be having a bake sale in order to raise funds for their upcoming community service. The bake sale will be on Friday, December 4 during snack and lunch.

For Grades 6-8
MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS – Unfortunately, we were not able to reach quorum to organize the different field trips (Copan – 6th grade, Lake Yojoa – 7th grade, and Tela – 8th grade). The initial payment will be reimbursed on Wednesday, November 25. Please, see Belgica in the Finance Office for the reimbursement.

For Grades 6-12:
HOMEWORK CLUB FOR SECONDARY – Secondary students will have the opportunity to receive assistance with homework twice a week. Ms Regina will be working with the students who wish to stay and work or specific students referred by teachers. 
When: Mondays and Tuesdays
Where: Room # 3
Who: Secondary Students
Time: 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.
**Parents are asked to please the Midterm Progress Report – some students have been required to attend the Homework Club, other students have been invited to attend. This is being done to help student improve their grades.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES (cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc) – Students may bring their electronic devices to school with the understanding the school will not be responsible for any loss or damage. We advise all students to care good care of their electronic devices and to avoid leaving them on the floor or outside of rooms.

LOCKERS – The school has provided a locker to all secondary students for the purpose of protecting the student’s property, and preventing loss or theft. The lockers need to be secured with a combination padlock at all times. The students are responsible for the padlock and for seeing that their books and belongings are locked in the locker when not in use

JUGUETON 2015 – Our school has been invited to participate in the First Lady’s Christmas drive to give toys to the children less fortunate of Honduras. The school will be making a donation as an institution, but would like to invite our students and parents to go through their closets and find toys in good shape to donate for this activity. There will be a box in the reception area (with Ms. Carolina) where the toys can be dropped off. We will be delivering what we contribute as a school on Wednesday, December 9. 

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Semana del 16 al 20 de noviembre 2015

Estimados padres de familia:
Durante esta semana los alumnos enriquecerán su conocimiento, identificarán los departamentos que se encuentran en los cuatro puntos cardinales y aprenderán acerca de las montañas y ríos de Honduras. Continuarán aprendiendo acerca de Centro América, características de cada país así como sus tradiciones. Identificarán el clima del Continente Americano.  

Segundo grado
Los alumnos identificarán los departamentos y municipios que se encuentran en los cuatro puntos cardinales de Honduras.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las montañas y ríos de Honduras sus características y ubicación.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos continuarán aprendiendo acerca de las características de cada país de Centro América. Realizarán algunas exposiciones por grupo, pueden traer cualquier objeto o comida tradicional que represente a cada país.

Quinto Grado

Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las características del clima del Continente Americano. 

For Grades 6-8
MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS – Unfortunately, we were not able to reach quorum to organize the different field trips (Copan – 6th grade, Lake Yojoa – 7th grade, and Tela – 8th grade). The initial payment will be reimbursed on Wednesday, November 25. Please, see Belgica in the Finance Office for the reimbursement.

For Grades 6-12:
HOMEWORK CLUB FOR SECONDARY – Secondary students will have the opportunity to receive assistance with homework twice a week. Ms Regina will be working with the students who wish to stay and work or specific students referred by teachers. 
When: Mondays and Tuesdays
Where: Room # 3
Who: Secondary Students
Time: 3:15 – 4:15 pm

ELECTRONIC DEVICES (cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc) – Students may bring their electronic devices to school with the understanding the school will not be responsible for any loss or damage. We advise all students to care good care of their electronic devices and to avoid leaving them on the floor or outside of rooms.

LOCKERS – The school has provided a locker to all secondary students for the purpose of protecting the student’s property, and preventing loss or theft. The lockers need to be secured with a combination padlock at all times. The students are responsible for the padlock and for seeing that their books and belongings are locked in the locker when not in use.

STUDENT COUNCIL FOR SECONDARY – Dr. Ketterer will be meeting with STUCO representatives on Wednesday, November 18 @ 10:00 in the Community Information Center.

For Everyone
MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS–Progress reports will go home this Friday, November 20. Please read and discuss the report with your child. The report needs to be signed and returned to school. If you wish to conference with a teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the school to set up an appointment. They must be signed and returned to school by Monday, November 23.

CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will have a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors send email,

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Semana del 9 al 12 de noviembre 2015

Estimados padres de familia:
Durante esta semana los alumnos enriquecerán su conocimiento, identificarán elementos geográficos y aprenderán acerca de las ciudades más importantes de Honduras. Aprenderán acerca de las características de Centro América. Identificarán el relieve del Continente Americano.  

Segundo grado
Los alumnos identificarán los elementos geográficos de los paisajes urbanos y rurales de su departamento y municipio. Pueden traer sus electrónicos para usarlos en la clase e investigar información acerca del tema.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las características de las ciudades más importantes de Honduras.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las características de cada país de Centro América. Realizarán algunas exposiciones por grupo, pueden traer cualquier objeto tradicional que represente a cada país.

Quinto Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca del relieve e hidrografía del Continente Americano.

For Early Childhood
HEALTH FAIR: Next Friday, November 13, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. we will have the Optica Matamoros and Dra. Sandra Noguera doing visual and dental screening for our Early Childhood students. Permission slips allowing this screening to be done will be sent home this week.

For Grades 1-5
BRICKS4KIZ – The second module for Bricks4kidz begins this Monday, November 9, and will run for all the remaining Mondays of November. This exciting new module focuses on INVENTIONS! There are still spaces available, so come on Monday and sign up!  

For Grades 6-8
MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS – Unfortunately, we were not able to reach quorum to organize the different field trips (Copan – 6th grade, Lake Yojoa – 7th grade, and Tela – 8th grade). The initial payment will be reimbursed on Wednesday, November 25. Please, see Belgica in the Finance Office for the reimbursement.

For Everyone
CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will have a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors send email,

Kenpo Karate
We are ready to begin with Kenpo Karate classes. The schedule is as following:
Elementary: Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 p.m.
Middle School and High School: Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 p.m.
If you need the form of registration please contact  Mrs. Yeri Villeda (9480-7862) email:

We are getting ready for the ABSH Basketball tournament; this tournament will be held in the American school, Tegucigalpa. From November 11 to 14th.

Important Points: If parents or relatives would like to accompany us for support, they are welcome.

Important Dates Coming Up:

November 9                        Todo Tranquilo Assembly @ 8:20 a.m.
November 16                      Special Teachers grades on the Server
November 17                      Homeroom Teachers grades on the server
November 20                      Midterm Reports Go Home
November 25                      Early Dismissal
                                           PD for Teachers on Teamwork 1:00 p.m.
November 26 & 27           THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Semana del 2 al 6 de noviembre 2015

Estimados padres de familia:
Durante esta semana los alumnos enriquecerán su conocimiento, identificarán la simbología de un mapa y la diferencia entre un paisaje urbano y uno rural. Aprenderán acerca de las fronteras terrestres y marítimas. Reconocerán la importancia de la ubicación geográfica de Honduras.

Segundo grado
Los alumnos identificarán la simbología en el mapa de Honduras. Reconocerán la diferencia entre paisajes urbanos y rurales.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de los límites geográficos identificando la diferencia entre frontera terrestre y frontera marítima.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos reconocerán la importancia de la ubicación geográfica de Honduras en el espacio centroamericano.

Quinto Grado

Los alumnos aprenderán acerca del continente americano. Analizarán  las ventajas de la ubicación geográfica de Honduras en relación al continente y el acceso al océano Pacífico y océano Atlántico.  

For grades 2-5 only
TODO TRANQUILO –The “Todo Tranquilo” training for “Calmadores” concludes this week, and the graduation will take place on Monday, November 9 at 8:00 a.m.

For Everyone
CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will have a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors send email,


Basketball - We are getting ready for the ABSH Basketball tournament. This will take place at the American School of Tegucigalpa, from November 11 to November 14.  

Important Points: If parents or relatives would like to accompany us for support, they are welcome.

Important Dates Coming Up:

November 6                        Internal Spelling Bee and Oratoria Competitions
November 9                        Todo Tranquilo Assembly @ 8:20 a.m.