viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

Semana del 25 al 29 de enero 2016

Estimados padres de familia:

Durante esta semana los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las tradiciones de los municipios. Conocerán acerca de la cultura maya, chortís y lencas. Identificarán los diferentes acontecimientos durante la conquista. También conocerán acerca de otras culturas de América.

Segundo Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de las tradiciones de los municipios. También compartirán  en clase la información que obtuvieron al investigar acerca de los personajes importantes en la historia de Honduras. José Cecilio del Valle, Lempira, Francisco Morazán, Serafina de Milla,  Merceditas Agurcia y Ricardo Agurcia.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos conocerán acerca de la forma de vida de la cultura maya, chortís y lencas. Sus tradiciones y costumbres.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de la llegada de los españoles. Acontecimientos históricos de cada viaje realizado.

Quinto Grado
Los alumnos continuarán aprendiendo acerca de otras culturas de América. Esta semana aprenderán acerca de los Incas.

NEW BRICKS4KIDS MODULE – if you did not get a chance to register your child for the new upcoming module,  there are still spaces available for our students from Kindergarten to Fourth Grade who want to join the fun. This module’s title is “Cranium Contraptions”.  The New module begins today - Monday, January 25, from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.

Scholastic News - Scholastic Book Club leaflets were given out last week. This is an optional activity offered by the school, because we know you want to motivate your child to read at home.  With your purchase, our library will accumulate points to redeem more books for the benefit of your children in our school.  The due date to purchase the books online is January 25. The books will arrive to the school in one single delivery, and we will distribute them to the students according to their orders, approximately three weeks after the purchase due date.

DPTO UPCOMING EVENTS – Please support the DPTO in their activities that aim to foster community building, school pride and fund raising for school project! 

VALENTINE’S DAY SALE – The Seniors 2016 will give out flyers this week so that our students can pre-order their candies, flowers, etc for Valentine’s Day, which will be celebrated on Friday,  February 12. Payment for the orders will be picked up one week before, on Friday, February 5. The Seniors 2016 thank you in advance for your cooperation in this activity.

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