domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Semana del 26 al 30 de octubre 2015

Estimados padres de familia:
Durante esta semana los alumnos enriquecerán su conocimiento, identificarán los Hechos Geográficos y describirán sus características en relación al relieve. Reconocerán la relación entre coordenadas geográficas, clima y hora. Aprenderán acerca de los Desastres Naturales sus causas y consecuencias.

Segundo grado
Los alumnos identificarán algunos hechos geográficos naturales o artificiales relacionados con el relieve terrestre.

Tercer Grado
Los alumnos identificarán características básicas de los paisajes hondureños y las actividades que en ellos se realizan.

Cuarto Grado
Los alumnos reconocerán la importancia de la relación entre latitud y clima, y longitud y horas.

Quinto Grado

Los alumnos aprenderán acerca de los Desastres Naturales, como se clasifican y sus efectos en la sociedad.

For grades 2-5 only
TODO TRANQUILO –The “Todo Tranquilo” training for “Calmadores” continues this week place from 12:20-12:45 in Ms. Cristiana’s room, If you have any questions please see Ms. Cristiana.

For Early Childhood and Elementary
BOOK CHARACTER DAY - In keeping with Discovery School tradition, students are invited to dress up as his/her favorite book character. Your child should pick a book that he/she has read or that has been read to him/her. It should also be a book that was written before it became a movie or TV show. Please remember: NO SCARY COSTUMES! The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will set up a live interactive museum on Thursday, October 29 which will last from 8:50-9:40 a.m. This will allow the younger students to come and learn about new book characters. Parents are welcome to come and meet all of the exciting characters and learn about some new books.

For Middle School:
MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS – The deadline to reserve your child’s spot for the different middle school field trips is this Friday, October 30. We need to have at least 80% of parent confirmation from each grade level in order to be able to organize the field trips. We need at least 18 students for 6th grade, 19 students for 7th grade, and 8 students for 8th grade.

            For Everybody
DPTO UN Day Preparations- The DPTO has begun on their preparations for our school UN DAY celebration on Friday, October 30, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. All school families are invited to participate and represent their country of origin. If you have a typical outfit from your country, and would like to participate in the annual showcase, please contact Carolina Villareal or Miriam Salgado
Please send 3-5 music pieces from your country  to Ms. Pia Girbal!

UN DAY CELEBRATION – We have our annual UN DAY celebration this Friday, October 30. Our DPTO has been working very hard in preparing what promises to be a fun and exciting morning for our community. We will have a short cultural presentation for everyone in the gym at 8:30, and then the “Tour Around The World” will begin at 9:00 a.m. Please remember this is an Early Dismissal Day (P.M. Schedule) and students will be dismissed at 11: 45 a.m. Teachers can also have an early dismissal and leave at 1:00 p.m. once all your work for next week is done.

SENIORS BAKESALE – The Senior class will have their traditional October bake sale on Thursday, October 29. Don’t forget to bring money and enjoy a treat!

CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will have a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors send email,


Track and Field
We will be participating for the ABSH in Track & Field ,that will be held in San Pedro Sula.
It has been organized by the EIS( Escuela Internacional Sampedrana ,San Pedro Sula.This
event will take place on October 28-October 31.This event is only for Middle School and
High School students/athletes .

Basketball - We are getting ready for the ABSH Basketball tournament. This will take place at the American School of Tegucigalpa, from November 11 to November 14.  

Important Points: If parents or relatives would like to accompany us for support, they are welcome.

FUNDACION ABRIGO – Once again, Discovery School supports Fundación Abrigo in their mission to lodge families from the rural areas who come to Hospital Escuela. We are asking our school families to send 1 gallon of floor disinfectant per family, and to send it in by Friday, October 30. What a wonderful way to show our gratitude for what we have – to share what we have with those in need!

Important Dates Coming Up:

October 29                          Early Childhood and Elementary Book Character 8:50-9:45 a.m.
October 30                          UN Day Celebration; Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m.) P.M. Schedule
November 6                        Internal Spelling Bee and Oratoria Competitions

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